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Inspired by the colourful nature of local graffiti and the tattoo art so prolific in the area, the interior for the Railway Cocktail Bar was born. With striking graphics by Studio Equator, the light boxes that feature inside and out are the focus of the design. Mirrored panels of Paul Smith inspired stripes clad the face of the bar and the toilet walls. A light box over the bar incorporates the circuit boards used in the main bar pendants to provide a link. Whimsical green flocked table lamps appear as branches growing from the bar. 


“In addition to the initial design process, the customer service and level of support offered throughout and after the completion of the project were unrivalled, as were the levels of communication, personality and professionalism.” - Anna Musker, owner The Railway Hotel

City Bar_2
City Bar_4
Railway Cocktail Bar 007
City Bar_1
Railway Cocktail Bar 029
Railway Cocktail Bar 039
Railway Cocktail Bar 070
City Bar_3
Railway Cocktail Bar 045
Railway Cocktail Bar 071

Photo credits : Andrew Wuttke


© 2023 Mr. Mitchell

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